Friday 16 November 2012

Research into Magazine Adverts

Magazine adverts are used by artists and band as a way of publicizing themselves to an interested audience. The magazine adverts that bands and artists use are mainly in music magazines, as this audience is already interested in music and in some cases that type of music dependant on whether it’s a genre related magazine. Some examples of music magazines include: NME, Q, Rolling Stone, Mojo and Top Of The Pops, genre related music magazines include: Kerrang which is rock genre related, Vibe which is Urban and Hip Hop style music, Music which is a classical based genre magazine and Billboard which is a pop music based magazine. All of these magazines attract different artists and bands to advertise their music, albums or singles. Music magazine adverts generally follow a certain format as to ensure the right, relevant information is relayed to the audience, these conventions include:
  • The artist or the band’s name e.g. Gnarls Barkley
  • The album title being advertised e.g. St. Elsewhere
  • The date of release e.g. April 24th 2006
  • Any reviews or feedback from listeners e.g. a rating system of stars
  • Where it can be brought from e.g. downloaded from iTunes
  • Sometimes featured songs from the album e.g. Crazy
  • Finally either a picture of album, band or the album cover used as the advert

This magazine advert doesn't follow all the conventions; however it does some of the conventions and would need to be used in conjunction with other methods to ensure the audience is fully persuaded.

These techniques are used so that the audience receives the information needed, in the simplest form making it easier for the audience to decide on whether to buy it.
Why are magazine adverts used?
Adverts in general are used as a way of persuading the audience to take action on a certain product for example persuading a reader to buy your album. There are a extensive variety of advertising methods used but one that directly gets the music loving audience is magazine adverts in music related magazines. This type of direct advertising cuts out the people are either on the edge or not interested at all and solidly informs music lovers about the album.
Where are they used?
Magazine adverts are usually used in genre related music magazine in particular as it goes from the general direction of music lovers, in music magazine down to followers of a certain genre. An example of a genre related music magazine includes:

These magazines would all have genre related music adverts in them as to persuade genre loving, music enthusiasts directly. Kerrang music magazine is a rock based genre and has magazine adverts like British Intelligences new album (Street Fight), which is a rock based band up and coming. The advert itself has all of the conventions of a magazine advert, this is down to the band being new and therefore little known about them and they would need to persuade the audience more than an established band.

Vibe is a hip hop, R&B and rap style music magazine, which would have magazine adverts based on this genre style of music. This magazine advert is ironic for the style of music magazine, the advert itself holds to 4 of the conventions of a magazine advert. It’s an advert of Kanye West’s first album Kanye West, and it shows him centred and the relevant information around the outside. 

Finally the music magazine BBC Music Magazine is based on the classical, and more sophisticated adult sounds. It would have many adverts in similar to the style of this one, as its aimed at the older generations of music lovers the advertisements differ slightly they focuses less on the brashness and vibrancy of the advert rather on the feel and of the establishment of the artist/band. With it being focused around classical to sophisticated styles of music there is less new talent rather more established ones releasing another album so the fan base ii s there and there is no need for boldness in the advert. This advert has focused on the content of the album rather than reviews.

All of these conventions, techniques and variety of methods used in magazine advertisement, coupled with my results from my survey allow me to decide on the basis of how I want my artist and the album to be portrayed. In the best manner and with the greatest success of persuading the audience to buy the album.

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